# Query S51 S50 and S40 S50 S49 or S48 or S47 or S46 or S45 or S44 or S43 or S42 or S41 S49 (single* or double* or triple*) and blind* S48 clinical* and (trial* or study or studies) S47 crossover* or cross-over* S46 random* S45 placebo* S44 (DE "PLACEBOS") S43 (DE "RANDOM ALLOCATION") S42 (DE "DOUBLE BLIND METHOD") S41 (DE "RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS") S40 S39 or S33 or S28 or S22 or S14 S39 S38 or S37 or S36 or S35 or S34 S38 (DE "FIBROSIS") S37 (DE "SARCOIDOSIS") S36 ((pulmonary* or lung*) AND (sarcoid* or granulom*)) S35 ((pulmonary* or lung* or alveoli*) AND (fibros* or fibrot*) S34 interstitial* AND (lung* or disease* or pneumon*) S33 S32 or S31 or S30 or S29 S32 OSA or SHS or OSAHS S31 sleep* n3 apnoea* S30 sleep* n3 apnea* S29 (DE "SLEEP APNEA SYNDROMES") S28 S27 or S26 or S25 or S24 or S23 S27 bronchial* N3 dilat* S26 ciliary N3 dyskinesia S25 kartagener* S24 bronchiect* or bronchoect* S23 (DE "BRONCHIECTASIS") S22 S21 or S20 or S19 or S18 or S17 or S16 or S15 S21 COPD or COAD or COBD or AECB S20 (pulmonary or lung* or airway* or airflow* or bronch* or respirat*) and obstruct* S19 chronic* N3 bronchiti* S18 emphysema* S17 (DE "PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA") S16 (DE "BRONCHITIS") S15 (DE "LUNG DISEASES OBSTRUCTIVE") S14 S13 or S12 S13 bronchopulmonar* N3 aspergill* S12 (S11 or S10 or S9 or S8 or S7 or S6 or S5 or S4 or S3 or S2 or S1) S11 house dust mites S10 (DE "RESPIRATORY HYPERSENSITIVITY") S9 bronch* N3 constrict* S8 bronchoconstrict* S7 bronch* N3 spasm* S6 bronchospas* S5 wheez* S4 (DE "RESPIRATORY SOUNDS") S3 antiasthma* or anti-asthma S2 asthma* S1 (DE "asthma")